COSMETIC TREATMENTS AND CONSULTATIONS (reducing wrinkles & volume replacement)
RETURNING PATIENT- Reducing appearance of wrinkles. The "Usual" treatment
30 mins · $50
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The "Usual treatment". If you have already had a consultation before and are returning for your usual treatment to "Reduce the appearance of wrinkles" choose this option. E.g. forehead, frown, around the eyes, vertical lip lines, chin crease, lip eversion etc. The $50 deposit will come off the total cost of your treatment, this is to secure your booking and as per our cancellation policy. New laws have restricted how we advertise cosmetic treatments so what the treatment entails and our prices have been removed from our website, booking system and social pages- but our pricing and services haven't changed. If you are wanting to add another service onto the treatment (e.g. volume replacement) please add this onto this appointment so we have enough time to do both, or add it into the booking notes for us. If you are unsure if this is the right appointment to book in for contact Lisa on 0452 451 154.
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RETURNING PATIENT- Facial volume loss/ replacement
1 hour · $50
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The "Usual treatment" for an existing patient. If you have already had a consultation before and are returning for your usual treatment to "Replace lost facial volume " choose this option. Due to new laws on advertising cosmetic treatments the pricing and what this treatment entails is now restricted to only during the consultation with you. Our pricing and services haven't changed. If you are unsure what to book in for message Lisa on 0452 451 154. Your $50 deposit will come off the total cost of your treatment, this is to secure your booking and as per our cancellation policy. If you are wanting to add another service into the treatment (e.g. for "reducing the appearance of wrinkles") please add this into the booking notes. There is no need to add this as another service as we have allocated time in this spot for both.
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NEW PATIENT: Consultation +/- treatment on day for reducing lines /wrinkles
1 hour · $50
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For new patients wanting to" reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles" choose this option if you are wanting to have a consultation & possible treatment on the day. It is only after reviewing your medical history, and if deemed clinically appropriate that a treatment may be performed at the same time . Due to new laws regarding advertising cosmetic treatments we are unable to discuss prices or discuss what this treatment includes without a consultation first. This treatment may include the forehead, glabella, around the eyes, chin, jawline, lip eversion, marionette lines, neck, lower face, lip lines, platysma muscles and more. It is during this consultation we will review your medical history, listen to your aesthetic goals, tailor a treatment plan specific to you and your anatomy and discuss the treatment and total cost in detail. Your $50 consultation fee will come off the cost of your total treatment, this is to secure your booking and as per our cancellation policy.
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NEW PATIENT: Consultation +/-treatment on day for facial volume loss
1 hour, 15 mins · $50
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For new patients wanting to discuss the treatment for improving facial volume loss. With the option to having a treatment, but only after reviewing your medical history and if deemed clinically appropriate. For replacing lost volume in tear troughs, lips, lip lines, marionettes, nasolabial, cheeks, chin, jawline, pre auricular, lines around mouth, lines around and under eyes. Due to new laws regarding advertising cosmetic treatments we are unable to discuss this treatment or give out prices without a consultation first. It is during the consult we review your medical history, listen to your aesthetic goals and tailor a treatment plan for you. The total cost and treatment are discussed in detail during this time. The $50 deposit will come off the total cost of your treatment- this is to secure your booking and as per our cancellation policy. If you are wanting to also "reduce appearance of wrinkles" please add this into the booking notes so we can allocate enough time for both.
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30 mins · $50
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Face time consultation to discuss treatment goals ( via Facetime and not face to face in clinic). A $50 consult fee will be deducted from the cost of your first treatment, to secure this appointment and as per our cancellation policy. Our preferred option is in clinic where we can assess your face properly but this will give you a rough guide as to what treatment would suit you best with costs also discussed. A full facial assessment is still performed in clinic prior to any treatment. A medical history will be obtained and reviewed prior to this appointment so please complete your online medical history form first- check your junk email/ spam box for it. An i phone is needed so we can see your face on Facetime. Due to new laws regarding advertising cosmetic treatments all patient must have a consultation prior to any cosmetic treatment so no prices can be given out prior to this appointment. We will discuss costs, risks and treatment details during this consultation.
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30 mins · $50
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Help- I have no idea what to book in for or what treatment I need! This is the perfect time to come in for a consultation to discuss your ageing and skin goals so this is the right appointment for you. If you are wanting to gather some information, ask some questions or want to have a treatment but don't know where to start- this is where to start. It can get confusing as to what would address your skin and ageing concerns the best. There is no obligation to have a treatment so this is all about gathering all the information you need to make your own decision. A facial and skin assessment will be performed and a treatment plan devised just for you. Your $50 deposit for this consultation will come off the cost of your first treatment, is to secure this appointment, and as per our cancellation policy.
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30 mins · $50
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This treatment targets teeth grinding and jaw clenching to alleviate discomfort and wear and tear on your teeth for Existing Patients who have already had a consultation. The masseter muscle is treated to reduce its contraction and strength. As well as reducing discomfort and tension headaches it is an excellent jaw slimming treatment. The treatment and costs are discussed during the consultation process and our prices and services haven't changed. The TGA have made some changes in how we can advertise so if you are unsure please get in contact with Lisa. Your $50 deposit will come off the total cost of your treatment. This is to secure your booking and as per our cancellation policy. This treatment can also be performed at the same time as "reducing the appearance of wrinkles". Just make a note in the booking system- there is no need to add this as another service as we have already seen you before for a consultation so will have enough time to do them both.
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1 hour · $50
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This targets teeth grinding and jaw clenching to alleviate discomfort and wear and tear on your teeth for New Patients who have not had a consultation before. The masseter muscle is treated to reduce its contraction and strength. As well as reducing discomfort and tension headaches it is an excellent jaw slimming treatment. The treatment and costs are discussed during the consultation. New laws restrict how we advertise cosmetic treatments so a consultation is required before any treatment, and if deemed clinically suitable a potential treatment may be performed. Your $50 deposit will come off the total cost of your treatment. This is to secure your booking and as per our cancellation policy. This treatment can also be performed at the same time as "reducing the appearance of wrinkles". Just make a note in the booking system- there is no need to add this as another service as we can discuss both at this time and do the consultation for both. Contact Lisa on 0452 451 154 if needed.
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HYPERHIDROSIS (excess under arm sweating) Returning Patient
30 mins · $50
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This is for returning patients who have had a consultation before. Hyperhidrosis is excess sweating and can really affect ones self esteem, confidence, quality of life and the ability to wear long sleeved tops. Both underarms are treated to reduce sweating. Results are starting to be noticed from 2 weeks. Our prices and services haven't changed- just the way we can advertise them as per new laws on advertising cosmetic treatments. Get in touch with Lisa if you need clarification on 0452 451 154. Individual results vary based on medical conditions and other factors that are discussed during the consultation process. Your $50 deposit is to secure this appointment and will come off the total cost of your treatment, or as per our cancellation policy.
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HYPERHIDROSIS (excess under arm sweating)New patients
1 hour · $50
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This is for NEW PATIENTS who have not had a consultation before. Hyperhidrosis is excess sweating and can really affect ones self esteem, confidence, quality of life and the ability to wear long sleeved tops. Both underarms are treated to reduce sweating. New laws on advertising cosmetic treatments prohibit us from giving out prices or discussing the treatment without a consultation first. What this treatment involves and the total cost is discussed during this appointment with the possibility of having a treatment if deemed clinically suitable. Individual results vary based on medical conditions and other factors that are discussed during the consultation process. Your $50 deposit is to secure this appointment and will come off the total cost of your treatment, or as per our cancellation policy. This treatment can also be combined with "reducing the appearance of wrinkles" consultation at the same time. There is no need to add this an extra service.
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CORRECTIVE: Dissolving, correction & lump removal
45 mins · $300
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Dissolve unwanted volumisers and lumps. Sometimes these products can migrate and move from where it was placed. Incorrectly placed, or the wrong type for the area you were treated may cause migration and for it to move. E.g. you may have had your lip border treated, but now it has moved beyond the border. Before treating you, or correcting any asymmetry, lumps or bumps, we may suggest to dissolve the volumisers and start again. Results are immediate but the full effect can take a few days. Some patients might need more than one treatment, depending on the amount needing to be dissolved and the type of product that was used in the area. Your $50 deposit will come off the total cost of your treatment, is to secure this appointment and as per our 24 hr cancellation policy.
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HAIR CONSULTATION - for thinning hair, hair loss and scalp health
HAIR CONSULTATION: thinning hair, hair loss and scalp health
30 mins · $50
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Consultation for thinning hair, hair loss and scalp health. Hair loss may include the eyebrows, entire scalp, receding hair line, widening part, thinning patches of hair, beard, moustache or any patches for male and female hair loss. The $50 deposit to secure this appointment will come off the cost of your treatment, and as per our 24 hour cancellation policy. During this appointment we will discuss your hair loss/ thinning areas of concern, your medical history and hair goals. We have a few hair treatments including PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma) and Crystal Care hair growth treatment that target hair growth. These will be discussed in detail during this consultation. A medical history form will be sent to you before this appointment- check your junk email/ spam folder for it. This service can be combined with a consultation for "reducing the appearance of wrinkles" or a for "volume replacement" if you are having one already there is no need to book this as an additional service.
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Crystal Care for hair growth & scalp health +Skin needling
45 mins · $450
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Combining the benefits of micro needling + Crystal Care Scalp solution to improve scalp health and aid hair growth. Applied immediately after skin needling to allow for a greater penetration into the entire scalp, any areas of hair loss including eyebrows and the beard. Contains 64 skin ingredients for improvements in hair and scalp health with 3 mls sufficient to cover the entire scalp, beard and eyebrows in each treatment. Crystal Care for Scalp offers the latest technology containing growth factors, amino acids, peptides, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and cell nutrients. Scalp will feel tighter and firmer after application, with the greatest improvements in hair growth and scalp health seen from 2 weeks onwards. Treatment recommendation: 3 treatments are performed at 2-week intervals, followed by 3 treatments at monthly intervals; then 1 treatment every 3 months to maintain the benefits.
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PRP: Platelet Rich Plasma +Skin Needling for Hair
2 hours · $695
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A customised skin treatment using your body's own blood cells that stimulates your own cell production of collagen, with an abundance of growth factors working into the skin layers to stimulate your body's normal healing response- to revitalise the scalp & repair and reinvigorate dormant hair follicles or hair follicles in poor health. The treatment uses a variety of injecting devices including multi head stamping & skin needling to tailor it specifically to the area being treated on the scalp. These injecting techniques further work in synergy to maximise results. To promote hair growth and volume, scalp health and improve any scarring. It is most effective if you start treatment in the early stages of hair loss. 3 treatments 4-6 weeks apart is the recommended treatment, but will vary depending on the severity of hair loss. Includes scalp massager to use at home to boost results.
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CHEMICAL PEELS (professional skin peels)
Brightening, lightening and hydrating Lactic Peel
30 mins · $119
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This customised lactic peel improves skin firmness, smooths texture & reduces hyperpigmentation. One of the gentlest peels that helps the skin maintain its ideal pH factor. Suits all skin types, especially if you have very sensitive skin that might not be able to tolerate the slightly more intense peels. It exfoliates the surface of the skin, while deep cleaning the pores. It stimulates natural collagen production, evens out skin tone, and improves hyperpigmentation. Brightens and lightens, and improves the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines whilst hydrating the skin. To boost your skin needling results and prep your skin for your skin and injectable treatments, this peel has no downtime and works with all other treatments. A 2 week window between injectable and needling treatments- but add this to your treatment plan to correct and target skin concerns, boost your results and prep skin. Treats full face or neck and decolletage. For optimal results: 3-4 treatments, 2 weeks apart
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Rejuvenating , Anti -ageing Peel
30 mins · $139
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A customised Rejuvenating Peel is designed to rejuvenate and revitalise the skin, improve dullness and sagging skin, improve pigmentation and aged spots, and targets wrinkles. It is suitable for all skin types, with no downtime. To reduce the effects of early skin ageing and fight against moderate and advanced wrinkles. Recommended treatment: 3-4 treatments every 2 weeks to obtain excellent results. Can be combined with skin needling and injectable treatments to further boost results and target skin concerns- leave it 2 weeks in between each treatment when booking. If you haven't had a peel before or if you are not using active anti ageing skincare, we recommend the Brightening, hydrating lactic peel first as this is our most gentlest peel. If you are unsure we will tailor it according to your skin type, skin condition and skin concerns. Treats the full face or neck and decolletage.
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Mandelic peel: Pigmentation, acne & reducing pores
30 mins · $139
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The Mandelic peel is a customised chemical peel that has an antibacterial effect on the skin, which makes it a suitable choice for those with acne-prone skin and clogged pores. Suitable for all skin types, even those with sensitive and dark skin. It will target irregular pigmentation, hyperpigmentation, inflammatory acne, sensitive and dark skin, including those with skin intolerances to other AHAs. Great for those who have sensitive skin that is prone to inflammation or has never been treated with a chemical peel before. This peel can be combined with skin needling to maximise your skin results. A gentle peel with little to no downtime. For optimal results: 3-4 treatments, 2 weeks apart.
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AHA 40% illuminating intense peel
30 mins · $139
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This Bioline peel contains 40% AHA - Glycolic, Lactic, Citric and Mandelic acid. The synergistic action of alpha hydroxy acids reduces the visibility of dark spots, wrinkles, and signs of ageing. Gives the skin a smoother, more radiant and firmer appearance. Can be added on to your Bioline gold facial treatment, or a stand alone treatment.
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PRP: Platelet Rich Plasma for Skin Rejuvenation
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Skin Rejuvenation + Skin Needling
2 hours · $695
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A customised skin treatment that stimulates your own cell production of collagen. By using your own blood cells to allow your body’s natural ability to heal, platelet-rich plasma can rejuvenate your skin from the inside out. The treatment uses a variety of injecting devices to tailor it specifically to the area being treated. With the addition of skin needling, & multi head stamping, the whole area can be treated to further maximise results. Face, tear trough, under eyes, perioral lines, neck, decolletage, back of the hands. For improvements in skin texture, tone, fine lines and wrinkle reductions, reduce pore size, scarring, treat hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, improve sagging skin, improve hair health and volume. Treatment and price classified as area e.g. 1) full face 2) neck, 3) decolletage 4) under eyes. More than one area can be treated at same time e.g. Neck and decolletage would be 2 treated areas. 3 treatments 4-6 weeks apart is the recommended treatment.
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Skin needling +Crystal Care for skin rejuvenation
1 hour · $400
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Combining the benefits of micro needling this skin loving solution is applied immediately after skin needling to allow for a greater penetration into the skin on the face, neck and decolletage, for an added skin boost. Contains 61 skin ingredients for improvements in skin tone, hydration, radiance, elasticity, pigment, density and firmness. Crystal Care for Skin offers the latest technology in a topical solution containing growth factors, amino acids, peptides, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and cell nutrients. Skin will feel tighter and firmer after application, with the greatest improvements in skin glow, texture and tone usually seen from 3 days onwards. Treatment recommendation: 3 treatments are performed at 2-week intervals, followed by 3 treatments at monthly intervals; then 1 treatment every 3 months to maintain the skin benefits. Please allow 2 weeks from cosmetic/ aesthetic treatments to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and volumising products that replace lost volume.
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The Pink Treatment Skin booster
1 hour · $400
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The Pink treatment harnesses the power of 56 active skin ingredients for overall improvement and revitalization of the skin. Improves the vitalization of fibroblast cells, which are the basic structural frameworks of tissues. A powerful combination of vitamins, antioxidants, glutathione and hyaluronic acid that assists in the regeneration of damaged and destroyed tissues. For hydrated skin, improvement in skin tone and texture, regeneration of cells, increase in collagen & elastin formation +the added benefits of skin stamping with a multi head needle for maximum skin improvement results. *Suits all skin types to improve appearance of scars, stretch marks, overall skin texture and tone and improve hyperpigmentation, acne, enlarged pores, blackheads, wrinkles and fine lines. Full face, neck & décolletage or spot treat problem areas. Can also be added on during your skin needling treatment.
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Skin boosters. 3ml for full face, neck, decolletage or back of hands
1 hour · $700
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Face, neck, decolletage, under eyes or back of hands to give your skin a boost of hydration and skin nourishing ingredients that improve your skin quality and overall skin health. To improve skin hydration, texture, elasticity, pore reduction, improve the quality of the dermis, reduction in pigmentation and spots. 3ml syringe size will treat the full face. For neck and decolletage or back of the hands- these are a separate area to treat. 3 treatments scheduled 3-4 weeks apart are the recommended treatment protocol. Results are seen from the first treatment, but more so after the 2nd and 3rd treatment.
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SKIN NEEDLING/ Microneedling
Skin needling face, neck and decolletage
1 hour · $295
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Collagen Induction Therapy. A customised skin needling treatment with an injecting pen with fine needles and a light vibration that penetrates your skin to improve your own collagen and elastin production. Face, neck and decolletage treated in the one treatment. *Improve the quality of the skin, texture and tone in each of these areas. *Collagen and Elastin diminishes as we age and provides structure, elasticity, support, and smoothness to the skin. Skin needling helps to promote this. *Treatments scheduled 3-4 weeks apart to give your body time to produce its own collagen and elastin. *Suits all skin types to improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks, overall skin texture and tone and improve hyperpigmentation, enlarged pores, blackheads, acne, wrinkles and fine lines.
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Skin needling one area: face or neck or decolletage
30 mins · $245
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Collagen Induction therapy. A customised skin needling treatment with an injecting pen with fine needles and a light vibration that penetrates your skin to improve your own collagen and elastin production. *Improve the quality of the face, neck, decolletage or any area wanting an improvement in the quality of skin. *Collagen and Elastin diminishes as we age and provides structure, elasticity, support, and smoothness to the skin. Skin needling helps to promote this. *3 Treatments scheduled 3- 4 weeks apart to give your body time to produce its own collagen and elastin. *Suits all skin types to improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks, overall skin texture & tone and improve hyperpigmentation, acne, wrinkles, enlarged pores, blackheads & fine lines & wrinkles. *Also allows for greater penetration of your active ingredients in your anti ageing skincare. *Cost is per area: face is one area, neck another area. decolletage. All areas can be incorporated into one treatment.
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Skin needling +Vskin Recovery/ healing mask
1 hour · $280
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Collagen Induction therapy. A customised skin needling treatment with an injecting pen that vibrates gently, with fine needles to penetrate the skin. *Improve the quality of the face, neck, decolletage or any area wanting an improvement in the quality of skin. *Collagen and Elastin diminishes as we age and provides structure, elasticity, support, & smoothness to the skin. *Treatments scheduled 3-4 weeks apart to give your body time to produce its own collagen & elastin. *Suits all skin types to improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks, overall skin texture, tone, improve hyperpigmentation, acne, wrinkles, enlarged pores, blackheads & fine lines & wrinkles. *Cost is per area: face is one area, neck another area. decolletage. All areas can be incorporated into one treatment. *After your treatment relax with a Vskin post procedure/ recovery sheet mask. To soothe, heal, reduce redness and irritation, while adding skin nourishing agents and vitamins into the skin.
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Skin needling hands
30 mins · $150
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Collagen Induction therapy. A customised skin needling treatment with an injecting device that vibrates gently with fine needles, that penetrates your skin to improve your own collagen and elastin production. *Collagen and Elastin diminishes as we age and provides structure, elasticity, support, and smoothness to the skin. *Treatments scheduled 3-4 weeks apart to give your body time to produce its own collagen and elastin. *Suitable for all skin types, especially fine thin skin on the back of the hands or protruded veins ( or anywhere wanting an improvement in skin quality). *To improve the appearance of scars or stretch marks, overall skin texture and tone and improve hyperpigmentation, wrinkles and fine lines. *The back of the hands is an area that shows our age and can often get neglected when moisturising or applying sunscreen. Also allows for greater penetration of your anti ageing skincare ingredients.
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Post Procedure Soothing Vskin mask add on after needling
30 mins · $35
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A cooling, soothing and hydrating Vskin post procedure sheet mask to aid your recovery immediately post skin needling, aesthetic & skin treatments. *To accelerate healing, reduce redness and soothe after laser, peels, microdermabrasion, skin needling, skin boosters, or injectable treatments to speed up recovery times. *This soothing sheet mask is infused with a specially formulated, high concentration of actives: Hyaluronic acid, 17 Amino Acids and Vitamins to accelerate hydration and recovery, leaving your skin fresh, soft and radiant. *Made of Bio Cellulose that was originally developed as artificial skin to heal and soothe burns and is a natural fibre derived from coconut water fibres. *Not to be added immediately post anti wrinkle, PRP or dermal fillers, but can be purchased to use the next day to accelerate the healing process. *Can also be used as a part of your every day skincare routine whenever your skin needs a boost of hydration or before a special event.
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The Pink treatment, add on to skin needling: Skin booster to maximise needling results
5 mins · $150
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The Pink Treatment can be added on to your skin needling treatment to boost your skin needling results for an instant glow combined with a topical skin booster of 56 active ingredients of vitamins, antioxidants, glutathione and hyaluronic acid. For hydrated skin, improvement in skin tone and texture, regeneration of cells, as well as improving your own collagen & elastin +the added benefits of the skin booster with needling for maximum skin improvement results. This treatment helps at slowing down the ageing process, improves skin elasticity, encourages skin regeneration and repair, and improves tone and texture. *Suits all skin types to improve appearance of scars, stretch marks, overall skin texture and tone and improve hyperpigmentation, acne, enlarged pores, blackheads, wrinkles and fine lines. Face, neck, décolletage or spot treat problem areas. Book in for skin needling + The Pink Treatment skin booster. Skin needling special $200 + The Pink $150= $350 treatment.
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SKIN PACKAGES: Skin needling and chemical peels
Skin needling & peel combination package- paid upfront to save $128
45 mins · $550
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Buy upfront and save. 3 treatments combined to maximise your skin results and get your glow on. 1st treatment is skin needling full face, 2nd treatment 4 weeks later chemical peel, 3rd treatment 2 weeks later is skin needling and peel combined. Package is to be paid for upfront and addresses a variety of skin conditions for the full face. Only $500 Save $128.
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Skin needling 5 pack to be paid for upfront to save
45 mins · $900
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Buy 5 skin needling packs for $900 for full face, neck, decolletage and back of the hands to save. ($180 per treatment, Save $100).
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SKIN TREATMENTS X3 COMBINED: Prp + Skin booster + skin needling for the Ultimate Glow
PRP + Skin booster + Skin Needling ( Ultimate Glow) 3 treatments to maximise results. Save $295.
2 hours · $1300
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Combining 3 skin treatments in one: PRP skin rejuvenation mixed with a Skinbooster +Skin needling for the Ultimate Glow. Save $295. *PRP is a customised skin treatment that stimulates your own cell production of collagen, by using your own blood cells to promote rejuvenation and skin health. *Plus Injectable skin booster improves the quality of your skin further while injecting Hyaluronic acid, vitamins & minerals. *The treatment uses a variety of injecting devices and micro needling to tailor it specifically to the area being treated, to maxmise your skin results. *Face, neck, decolletage or back of the hands. A larger area can be treated with both products infused together. Neck & décolletage or face & neck can be treated together. *For improvements in skin texture, tone, fine lines & wrinkle reductions, reduce pore size, scarring, treat hyperpigmentation, improve sagging skin, increase hydration, add vitamins, minerals and amino acids that your skin will love.
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ADD ON TO ANY TREATMENT: soothing / recovery mask
Hydrating Soothing post procedure/ recovery healing sheet mask
20 mins · $35
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A cooling, soothing and hydrating Vskin post procedure sheet mask to aid your recovery immediately post skin needling, aesthetic & skin treatments. *To accelerate healing, reduce redness and soothe after laser, peels, microdermabrasion, skin needling, skin boosters, or injectable treatments to speed up recovery times. *This soothing sheet mask is infused with a specially formulated, high concentration of actives: Hyaluronic acid, 17 Amino Acids and Vitamins to accelerate hydration and recovery, leaving your skin fresh, soft and radiant. *Made of Bio Cellulose that was originally developed as artificial skin to heal and soothe burns and is a natural fibre derived from coconut water fibres. *Not to be added immediately post anti wrinkle, PRP or dermal fillers in clinic, but can be purchased to use the next day to accelerate the healing process. *Can also be used as a part of your every day skincare routine whenever your skin needs a boost of hydration or before a special event.
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Anti stress mask
20 mins · $35
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Add this calming Toskani mask onto your skin needling or chemical peel treatment. Relax in clinic with this nutritive, calming and refreshing mask suitable for reactive skins or to reduce redness and inflammation immediately after a skin needling or chemical peel skin treatment. This mask has a high concentration of triterpenes and flavonoids, which have calming and regenerative properties and help nourish and moisturise the skin and aid recovery.
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FOLLOW UP: 2-4 weeks post treatment
Follow up appointment
30 mins · Free
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Complimentary follow up 10-14 days after treatment for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and 4 weeks for volume replacement. This gives us the opportunity to compare your before and after photos, review your treatment results and alter your dose if needed. this appointment is especially important for new patients who we haven't treated before.
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SKINCARE: Pick up of products
Product pick up: Skincare, Airyday LED mask, sunscreen & Oxygenetix
5 mins · Free
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Pick up of skincare products, Airyday sunscreen, Airyday LED bright on mask, Vskin hydrating post procedure masks and Oxygenetix post procedure foundation. While here let me colour match you to the correct Oxygenetix colour to suit your skin tone. Also test the Airyday sunscreen while you are here. This appointment is to save you waiting for me when I am already treating a patient.
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Vskin post procedure soothing healing masks
5 mins · $35
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A cooling, soothing and hydrating Vskin post procedure sheet mask to aid your recovery immediately post skin needling, aesthetic & skin treatments. *To accelerate healing, reduce redness and soothe after laser, peels, microdermabrasion, skin needling, skin boosters, or injectable treatments to speed up recovery times. *This soothing sheet mask is infused with a specially formulated, high concentration of actives: Hyaluronic acid, 17 Amino Acids and Vitamins to accelerate hydration and recovery, leaving your skin fresh, soft and radiant. *Made of Bio Cellulose that was originally developed as artificial skin to heal and soothe burns and is a natural fibre derived from coconut water fibres. *Not to be added immediately post anti wrinkle, PRP or dermal fillers, but can be purchased to use the next day to accelerate the healing process. *Can also be used as a part of your every day skincare routine whenever your skin needs a boost of hydration or before a special event.
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SPECIALS: Chemical Peels/ Hair growth/ Skin boosters/Skin needling
Chemical Peel: Buy one & get 2nd one 50% off
30 mins · $188.50
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Buy any chemical peel and receive your 2nd chemical peel at 50% off. Only $188.50 for 2 professional skin peels. Any peels can be used in this special. They will be tailored according to your skins needs at the time. These professional Toskani peels are gentle with little to no down time and suit all skin types, even those with sensitive skin. They can also be incorporated into your skin needling treatment for maximum skin results. Rejuvenating, hydrating, illuminating and brightening professional peels to target many skin conditions as well as pigmentation and enlarged pores.
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Crystal Care Skin Rejuvenation booster+Skin needling
1 hour · $350
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New introductory price: Save $145. Combining the benefits of micro needling this skin loving solution is applied immediately after skin needling to allow for a greater penetration into the skin on the face, neck and decolletage, for an added skin boost. Contains 61 skin ingredients for improvements in skin tone, hydration, radiance, elasticity, pigment, density and firmness. Crystal Care for Skin offers the latest technology in a topical solution containing growth factors, amino acids, peptides, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and cell nutrients. Skin will feel tighter and firmer after application, with the greatest improvements in skin glow, texture and tone usually seen from 3 days onwards. Treatment recommendation: 3 treatments are performed at 2-week intervals, followed by 3 treatments at monthly intervals; then 1 treatment every 3 months to maintain the skin benefits.
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Hair growth: Crystal Care Hair + Skin needling
45 mins · $400
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Introductory Price: Save $145. Combining the benefits of micro needling + Crystal Care Scalp solution to improve scalp health and aid hair growth. Applied immediately after skin needling to allow for a greater penetration into the entire scalp, any areas of hair loss including eyebrows and the beard. Contains 64 skin ingredients for improvements in hair and scalp health with 3 mls sufficient to cover the entire scalp, beard and eyebrows in each treatment. Crystal Care for Scalp offers the latest technology containing growth factors, amino acids, peptides, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and cell nutrients. Scalp will feel tighter and firmer after application, with the greatest improvements in hair growth and scalp health seen from 2 weeks onwards. Treatment recommendation: 3 treatments are performed at 2-week intervals, followed by 3 treatments at monthly intervals; then 1 treatment every 3 months to maintain the benefits.
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Skin Needling Special $250, Full face, lips, neck, decolletage, hands.
1 hour · $250
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Full face, neck, decolletage, lips, hands skin needling $250. Saving of $95, includes skin assessment. *A customised skin treatment to improve collagen and elastin production. Improves appearance of scars, stretch marks, overall skin texture, tone and improves hyperpigmentation, acne, wrinkles and fine lines. *It works by using a small vibrating pen that glides across the skin surface. It has tiny needles that create micro channels in the skin, that stimulate the body’s own natural healing response. *With minimal downtime, it's a quick and effective treatment that can address many skin concerns for a more even complexion and an overall improvement in skin condition and quality. *To boost your results and add on to the treatment : Post procedure recovery mask or injectable skin booster of 56 active skin ingredients to keep the skin healthy, helping slow down the ageing process, improving skin elasticity, encouraging skin regeneration and repair, and improving tone and texture.
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The Pink treatment, add on to skin needling: Injectable skin booster to maximise needling results
5 mins · $150
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The Pink Treatment can be added on to your skin needling treatment to boost your skin needling results for an instant glow combined with a topical skin booster of 56 active ingredients of vitamins, antioxidants, glutathione and hyaluronic acid. For hydrated skin, improvement in skin tone and texture, regeneration of cells, as well as improving your own collagen & elastin +the added benefits of the skin booster with needling for maximum skin improvement results. This treatment helps at slowing down the ageing process, improves skin elasticity, encourages skin regeneration and repair, and improves tone and texture. *Suits all skin types to improve appearance of scars, stretch marks, overall skin texture and tone and improve hyperpigmentation, acne, enlarged pores, blackheads, wrinkles and fine lines. Face, neck, décolletage or spot treat problem areas.
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Add on after skin needling: Post procedure hydrating sheet mask
5 mins · $35
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Add on a Vskin post procedure mask to aid your recovery post skin needling or skin booster injections. Take it home to use that evening to reduce redness and bruising and speed up recovery times. This soothing sheet mask is infused with a specially formulated, high concentration of actives; Hyaluronic acid, 17 Amino Acids and Vitamins to accelerate hydration and recovery, leaving your skin fresh, soft and radiant. Leaves your skin feeling hydrated and glowing for days.
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FACIALS-anti ageing and hypersensitive skin
Proaging Gold Facial Treatment
45 mins · $220
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A precious gold Bioline mask with a memory effect that moulds perfectly to the shape of the face and promotes the gradual release of functional substances for enhanced effectiveness. A powerful repairing concentrate that restores the skin's lipid balance. The skin is intensely hydrated and glows with renewed radiance. Contains active ingredients and Wild Olive stem cells, Vitamin C and Moringa Oil. Plant stem cells provide an energy boost for the skin, with vitamins and oils to restore vitality and radiance. The gold treatment contains many steps to get your skin glowing and works in harmony with your Bioline home care skin products and all our aesthetic and skin treatments in clinic. Also includes the AHA peel into this gold staminal treatment ( depending on individual skin needs and condition). 3-5 facials are recommended for optimal results.
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De-Sense Facial treatment for sensitive skin
45 mins · $180
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This Bioline facial treatment is specially formulated for hypersensitive and reactive skin. An ultra-delicate, soothing and protective treatment, which provides instant relief to reactive and weathered skin. It's ultra active and concentrated Biomimetic Peptides increases the skin's tolerance to external agents and strengthens the skin barrier, for instant and prolonged relief. This treatment includes a few steps to intensely nourish the skin, reinforce the skins protective barrier, and smooth and restore freshness. The skin is visibly firmer and deeply hydrated. Is also suitable for those who don't have sensitive skin, but in need of a hydration boost and those wanting smoother and more even skin. Recommended treatments are 3-5 facials. Contains active ingredients and Aloe, Beta - Glucan, Ceramides and oils.
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